American Satins

We've experimented with different American and American Satin cavy varieties for years, and in 2023, we decided to work with Black, PEW and Himalayans.

Our objective is to create a larger framed Himalayan *American and American Satin* by gradually incorporating PEW and Black individuals who possess the desired size and build we are seeking. This small project will span multiple generations.

Our foundation stock of Himalayans came from our mentors Barabra and Paul Munro of The Cavy Castle "TCC" in Maryland. We also had the opportunity to bring in two more Americans in the Himalayan variety from Chase Austin in Texas of Cajun Wood Cavies.

Our blacks came from McCabe's caviary /Mary Lou Eisel in Cananda. As well as Andy Fraser in Virginia.

Our whites came from Barabra and Paul Munro of The Cavy Castle "TCC" in Maryland. James Goodrich of New York and Frank Westley of Tennessee.


Just one of our American varieties we are working with. This one is called a Himalayan.


Just one of our American varieties we are working with. This one is called a Black.